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Blade of Eternity

title:Blade of Eternity
download page:No link!
developer:Blade of Eternity
platform:Online , web brouser
release:2010, ongoing
features:text, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Blade of Eternity is an online text rpg played in your web brouser.

With mechanics similar to Torn city, the game focuses on your quest to rise in rank, gain wealth and ultimately become the best as you travel around several cities, fighting other players, delving into dangerous catacombs, training, and collecting loot. Another unique aspect of the game is that you are by no means a law abiding citizen, and a significant part of rising in level involves committing crimes. These can range from petty theft to high treason, and can be both lucrative and rewarding.

The only down side to criminal activities is of course the law, and more specifically Jale.

The game also has a strong crafting element with various quests to gain items which can then be used to forge other elements which may be sold.

Clans, working for your clan, and warfare are also a major part of the game, though fortunately losing in a dight with someone else will only cost you some time recovering, ---- and not even that with the right items, so you don't have to worry over much about whome you challenge.

Probably the most unique thing about Blades of Eternity, are the stats and refresh wrate. Committing crimes takes nerve, quests require will, and fighting other players or training takes energy. All of these refresh at a constant wrate every five minutes. Thus, you can vary one activity while you gain the strength for another, ---- or logue in to the game every half hour when your ready to take on new challenges.

The game is entirely text based, and presents no problems whatsoever for screen readers, indeed the layout may well sute people who are learning their way around web brouses sinse it is so profoundly symple and easy to use.

The game is on the hole free, however donating to the game will gain the player gold tocans (which can also be wonne in game). These may be used to perchice days of donater time where your stats refill more quickly, or various useful items such as extra potent healing potions or training scrolls.

While probably not the sort of game that can be played for hours on end, Blade of Eternity may well appeal to people who want a game which can be played with several brief log ins each day. With features in constant developement, it's also likely there will be far more to the game in the near future.


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